soe Type 2 Diabetes - Four Easy Steps to Type 2 Diabetes Prevention!

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mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Type 2 Diabetes - Four Easy Steps to Type 2 Diabetes Prevention!

Publié par kaidi

Type 2 diabetes is one of the leading causes of chronic complications and disabilities in the United States according to Some of the most common complications associated with this condition when poorly controlled include: 
  • serious eye and kidney problems which can compromise your quality of life
  • heart disease... people with diabetes have 2 to 4 times the normal risk of heart disease and stroke
Type 2 diabetes is mainly characterized by increased blood sugar levels coupled with an increased resistance to insulin, a special naturally occurring chemical substance that facilitates the transport of energy-providing blood sugar into individual cells.
According to, once Type 2 diabetes commences it's journey, it can never be cured. But don't lose heart! The good news is this form of diabetes can surely be controlled.
For those who are afraid that they at a high risk of developing this health problem, there is more good news: Type 2 diabetes can be delayed and prevented.
So, what steps can you take?
1. Control your weight: Many overweight and obese people end up having Type 2 diabetes. In fact, according to a study published in 2006 by the Postgraduate Medical Journal, eighty-six percent of overweight and obese patients have Type 2. Furthermore, even a modest weight reduction of five percent would improve their health outcome and increase their odds against continuing on with this health complication.
2. Eat right: Eating healthy foods is considered by as one of the most important steps for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes. What does eating right mean? 
  • eat regularly. This means starting your day by eating breakfast, then go no more than five waking hours without a meal or snack. By keeping food in your system, you avoid wild fluctuations in blood sugar
  • eat balanced meals... include protein and carbohydrates at each meal with at least one fruit or vegetable
  • keep meat and poultry portions to a minimum
  • eat lots of fruits and vegetables
  • eat a little less of everything but vegetables
  • trim the fat: eat leaner meats, skinless poultry and low-fat or reduced-fat dairy products
  • learn to share your single serving of dessert with another person
  • eat small meals... and learn to eat them slowly
  • never starve yourself
  • cut down on your favorite foods. Never try to cut them out altogether
  • never forget to have healthy food choices when you eat out
3. Be more active: As mentioned by, having regular physical activity may lower your risk for Type 2 diabetes. Even two and a half hours of exercise over the week can make a lot of difference to your health.
4. Have good control of your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Type 2 diabetes can really be delayed or prevented. Having a healthy lifestyle is the best defense against this disease. So why not take charge of your health and start reinventing your lifestyle today?
To discover answers to questions you may be asking yourself about Type 2 Diabetes, click on this link... Natural Diabetes Treatments
Clicking on this link will help you to see how to Beat The Belly Fat Blues Beverleigh Piepers RN... the Diabetes Detective.
Beverleigh Piepers is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint on your website provided all the links in the article are complete and active. Copyright (c) 2010 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide


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